Hello MXM, thanks a lot for reading. All the points you listed are reflected in this article except one: that it presents women as morally superior to men. Not at all.
1. Yes. Nature and nurture both play a role. That is why I talk about sociocultural power (nurture), and mention that perhaps biology contributes to this since men are physically stronger than women.
2. Precisely! If culturally men have evolved to be tend towards violence, the article was trying to access the why behind it. However, I do not think men evolved to be intrinsically more violent than women, I think more men are in positions to express violence than women due to sociocultural power (the point of the article).
3. Yes, many world cultures tend to be patriarchal. Some theorize this is because of the role brute strength played in human evolution. I don't think technology reduces violence, we could talk about bombs, guns and contemporary trends of violence till the dusk. What I think may help is less social hegemony between men and women to increase greater accountability.
4. Hahaha! It's not like women are saints or have some kind of golden touch. Both men and women can and do misuse power, the article points that out. The key thing is, since men tend to have more sociocultual power, they have more opportunities to abuse it.