I have received some comments outside Medium which I think contribute greatly to this discussion, so I would like to share them with you:
Philosopher A: I got your argument
Philosopher A: And really I will not subject to it
Philosopher A: Lol, a rapist is a rapist.
An idiot!
He doesn't need sexually revealing clothes to turn him on.
This is so because, we know and have seen that revealing clothes is not a necessity and sufficient condition for rape; as we have seen people get rapped in the convent, and we have also seen people dress half naked and still get no advances made to them.
If the girl who dresses half naked was a black belt holder, and the rapist who on a good day would be turned on by a half-dressed lady sees this black belt holding lady, and knows any rape attempt he makes, he would definitely be overpowered by the lady and beaten to a pulp, rapped by gay men and take to jail, do you think he will go to her or she would automatically be responsible for her rape???
He wouldn't dare!
In the end, I feel and I still hold it that rape is a function of the will of an irresponsible male, who is a weakling, and an opportunist. If and only if women were as powerful as men, physically, there would be little or no rape cases at all.
Esohe Iyare: EXACTLY...the direct cause of râpé is Always the décision to rape
Philosopher A: There's a zero part being played by the lady being raped
Philosopher A: That's all I am saying...
Philosopher A: So I'd not believe you
Esohe Iyare: Zéro part in the act
Esohe Iyare: A possible part in the circumstances, depending on the case
Philosopher A: Nah
Philosopher A: Zerooooo
Esohe Iyare: Why zéro?
Philosopher A: Rape is rape, the lady even if she was walking naked has no part in it (1)
Philosopher A: She has a part in polluting the environment no wahala
Philosopher A: She has many things wrong, bit never an accomplice to being rape (2)
Esohe Iyare: You are talking about thé act here (reply to 1)
Esohe Iyare: We agréé on that. The efficient cause (reply to 2)
Philosopher A: Never a part of being triggered, ans me na, if the guy knows that his ass would be kicked by the supposedly half-naked woman, fear sef no go allow him get erection talk less of consenting (3)
Esohe Iyare: You cannot bé an accomplice in an action you are the object of (reply to 2)
Esohe Iyare: That's why the formal cause is power. I'm trying to separate these things to be able to not cover all râpé cases with one blanket (reply to 3)
Philosopher A: There's sha no changing of my mind on this rape thing...
Esohe Iyare: I'm not trying to change your mind
Philosopher A: You make it look like being around a half-dressed lady would always promote rape...
But Nah, rape is irresponsibility on the part of a man. (4)
Philosopher A: Let's not share the blame here.
Esohe Iyare: Blâme and responsibility are différent things. They might meet in some cases but not all.
Esohe Iyare: Nope. The article was specific on this. A naked woman in herself is not an enabling environment for râpé. The full blâme on the man is always there. (reply to 4)
Esohe Iyare: If it's a man anyway
Esohe Iyare: Plus a victim is a victim no matter if they dragged their groin over the rapist and withdrew later. That is clear
Philosopher A: You're playing with terms in metaphysics
Philosopher A: I don't need that
Esohe Iyare: Thé article was based on metaphysics
Esohe Iyare: Thé metaphysics of causality
Philosopher A: Let me be clear then, my take is that there should be no correlation between the nakedness of the victim and the rapist.
Esohe Iyare: Which is fine. It's your take
Philosopher A: If one wants to talk about nakedness, fine. Pls do I'd gladly endorse it
Philosopher A: But the two of them should not make their way in one argument, because it one way or the other breeds oxygen for the rapist
Esohe Iyare: If you want to take it outside the context of the article, it wouldn't really make sense to bring seduction up...which by the way is the example the article uses, not nakedness...but in the philosophical context that the article establishes several arguments, introducing seduction may not be out of place.