You, Me and the ‘T’ in LGBT: Why They Matter
Pronouns are the new sovereigns of the UPS (the United Parts of Speech). And regardless of your views there’s a serious reason for that.
Transgenderism is important because it reveals things about culture and the way humans (it can be argued) unknowingly cause enduring harm to each other.
So, whether or not this topic measures high on Levine’s Scale of Absurdity, let’s talk about why it matters and question the question beneath that question: what exactly is-REALLY-going on?
Gender or Sex? An Annoying Conversation Starter-Pack
There are people who I wouldn’t object to their being flogged: Vladimir Putin, Nigerian Politicians, and people who vehemently interchange gender and sex. They are 99.91% of the reason conversations around these questions cause hairs to be divorced from heads:
- Is gender imposed?
- Is sex assigned and can it be changed?
- Are puberty blockers (treatment to delay/stop puberty) something to be concerned about?
- How young is too young for kids to make big decisions about their bodies?
- What is real? (proudly sponsored by Keanu Reeves)
As someone who has acquired first degree burns from a 4-year course in Anthropology, I’ll let you in on an open secret.
Sex is what we call naturally occurring chromosome combinations that inform roles in reproduction. Humans can only invent labels in their language for reality, not reality itself. E.g. Female (XX), Male (XY), Intersex (XXY/ XYY etc). So, if we stopped calling it sex and started calling it xes, your chromosomes wouldn’t flinch.
Gender is a set of behaviours/pattern of expression, some of which flow from biological differences (hormones, brain activity etc) but a heavy chunk of which is defined by culture (colours, clothing, decorum, social activities, work, power).
(At this point, if your neurons have started doing gymnastics, subscribe — lets be friends!)
- Is Gender imposed? To the extent that the culturally defined aspects of it are non-negotiable.
- Is sex assigned? It’s more like ‘proclaimed’. Can it be changed? Humans currently do not possess the technology to alter sex chromosomes, so ultimately — no.
- Are puberty blockers something to be concerned about? I would be. In that they interrupt natural development— this can cause harm. The true scale of effects for puberty blockers may only be verifiable in some 20years, like most other things in science and medicine.
- How young is too young for kids to make big decisions about changing their bodies? Personally, same age of consent for sexual intercourse (another big decision about bodies) should apply.
- What is real? Reality. Meaning, that which exists outside the human mind and completely independent of it. This ain’t the Matrix kid.
So Kini Big Deal? Well, Gender Dysphoria may be Our (as societies) Fault
Gender Dysphoria is a deep psychological distress that exists when a person feels that the gender they identify more readily with does not fit their biological sex.
Translation: Existing socially (gender) as a (insert sex) isn’t who I really am. I feel like the other.
This distress is considered a legit mental illness by some, but ‘only’ consistent psychological distress by others. The truth is people who experience gender dysphoria aren’t bad because of it, no one chooses psychological distress. They are in distress and want to find inner peace.
Transgenderism and transitioning are one path people have taken to find this peace. Whether or not it is a good way or if people REALLY do find peace over time is not the concern of this article.
This is the concern.
Why Transgenders Matter
Many causes of psychological distress are social. For instance, no one is born anxious but early life relationships with others can make you an anxious person. I think social conditioning has a lot to do with developing gender dysphoria.
Men should…Women must…Boys cannot…Girls shouldn’t…Why?
What is intrinsically wrong about a man wearing makeup and a skirt (they were the first to wear them in Western cultures tbh) that he should be demeaned for it? Also, why must all hell break loose because a woman with higher testosterone levels grows a beard? (bearded women are treated as a circus attraction)
It’s a serious question. I haven’t been able to find an answer to it, myself.
Are the gendered cultural expectations really about good or bad, or are they more about general convenience? I am honestly asking.
Pigeonholing people’s self-expression based on their biology happens all the time, and it’s not fair where there is no valid reason for it that protects the common good.
All boxes have a model but not everything fits in.
Maybe if we were all a little more openminded and less dogmatic about things that aren’t dogmas, there wouldn’t be this much dysphoria or pain.
I think it matters to think about that. Also, please tell me what you think before I scratch out my brain.
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If this was too serious and you need a laugh, read this next buddy.