NOT ALL MEN, but almost always a man 🤦♀️. Perhaps this is why.
From pissing in public to pissing everyone off. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for decent men to regularly cleanup the image their fellow XYs keep smearing with cow poop.
True, women contribute a good amount of chaos, violence and just plain stupidity to this already stressed-out Earth, but the difference in statistics I’m going to share with you is alarming.
Bestie, raise your cup let me pour you this tea.
(Subscribers get hot premium tea — just saying)
Our Daily Trigger
Neither men nor women are intrinsically evil (I don’t care about what Mr. Hobbes taught you). BUT why, is it that when some dastardly news makes rounds, one sex seeks to claim the cake? Seriously, have you ever wondered?
Here’s our trigger for the day:
An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital found that from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, at least 269 educators were arrested, which works out to roughly one arrest a day…Men also made up the vast majority with over 80% of the arrests. — MSN (Oct.14)
I’d like you to consider that only 30% of the total educators in that system — American K-12 — are male.
Also, one thing is that more often than women, male sexual abusers usually don’t walk a one-way street. Both girls and boys are welcome prey. Double jeopardy.
Additionally, given that when violence by men is brought up, consistent town criers always seek to remind us that men are also victims, I would like you to equally remember this:
One of the greatest sources of documented violence against men and boys in Nigeria is police brutality (#ENDSARS anyone?), BUT the perpetuators were mostly always men. Before you give me the ‘it’s because the police are mostly men’ think about why that is a statement which genuinely terrifies a lot of Nigerians.
Should we take it from the streets to the places where alleluias hit, the trend stands. While anyone can be an abuser, the problem at hand is that it seems to be a consistent pattern of behaviour for men. Kapish?
Violence is not gender specific. But it seems to be gender-tending.
A Problem, A Reason and A Solution Walk into A Bar…Who’s Tending?
If you know the Tiktok sound “WhAT is DaH rEEEAsON?” then I’d like this to pop into your head every time you remember it:
— With great power, comes greater opportunities for abuse.
Abuse from a perpetuator’s angle is about power. Remember what Monsieur Bill le Clinton famously said when asked why he generously sowed his presidential oats:
— "I think I did something for the worst possible reason — just because I could.”
When people say it’s a man’s world, it’s because men wield more sociocultural power than women. Some argue that a lot of it evolved from them having greater physical strength i.e. “might is right”. But the point is, there are so many terrible things people do simply because they have the power to.
Men in any position of power, have that power raised to the POWER of their sociocultural power. Power is the source of action. Positive or negative.
So, what solution walks into the bar? (This is the part where you’ll fight me) But first, I’d like to answer that the entity tending the bar should be the common good.
Fighting Power with Power: Can Feminism DO SOMETHING?
How do you solve a problem associated with gender? Maybe you level the playing field of power.
Of course, this could mean that we have equal or greater levels of abuse, but the perpetuators are now evenly distributed among genders😭. Just, please, walk with me a little.
No matter the flavour of feminism, there is a central push for more sociocultural power for women. It may be the financial power, political power etc.
And among the two most prevalent versions of human nature, there is madness, craze, and werey. But often, it seems that when there is an awful tendency in one, it is most readily called out by the other when they have a voice. Think about it. Who are at the forefront of paternity fraud and emotional abuse discussion? Who speaks more against domestic violence?
Another noticeable pattern is that when women have more power and the freedom of action that comes with it, they tend to aid/speak against other sources of oppression.
Consider these factoids:
- Welfare organizations tend to be dominated by women.
- In a list of influential child activists, by UNICEF, 5/5 are female. Also, in this list of young activists changing the world, 78% are female.
- Multiple research projects show that women are more likely than men within the same income range to give to the less fortunate.
- A self-conducted LinkedIn survey of 210 profiles with the tag “boy child/ boy child actvist” were equal between males and females. However, in Nigeria and Ghana, ranking founders of boychild advocacies were female (this is them). Kenya, however, has more males than female founders of male child advocacies (go Kenyans!)
This does not mean women are saints, what it does show is something many social scientists agree with: that historically oppressed groups, once empowered, tend to work towards greater relief of oppression in general.
The point is, perhaps, if power becomes more equitably distributed between men and women, it would be easier to control the excesses of human nature. Where there is no hegemony, there can be more accountability.
Naturally, I am fully aware that some brands of feminism prefer women replace men as the rulers of the Earth. But when has switching from one extreme to the other ever helped a messed-up situation?
Las las, e be things.
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If all this gender talk has you wondering about transgenderism, read this next.